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Presentation: "Erlang Rationale"

Track: Technology Wednesday / Time: Wednesday 13:30 - 14:15 / Location: Don Giovanni 2

While Erlang has much in common with other functional languages it does many things differently from other languages. In this talk one of the three inventors of Erlang will look at the rationale behind Erlang and try to show how many of its important features combine to work together.
We will also look at how Erlang was first developed to show the reason for some of the features in the rationale.

Robert Virding, Principal Language Expert, Erlang Solutions Ltd

Robert Virding

Biography: Robert Virding

Robert Virding works for Erlang Solutions Ltd as a Principal Language Expert. While at Ericsson AB, Robert was one of the co-inventors of the Erlang programming language. As one of the original members of the Ericsson Computer Science Lab, he took part in the original system design and contributed much of the original libraries, as well as to the current compiler. While at the lab he also did a lot of work on the implementation of logic and functional languages and on garbage collection. He has also worked as an entrepreneur and was one of the co-founders of one of the first Erlang start-ups (Bluetail). Robert also worked a number of years at the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) Modelling and Simulations Group. He co-authored the first book (Prentice-Hall) on Erlang, and is regularly invited to teach and present at conferences and universities worldwide.